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About the APFFU LOCAL 4727

Welcome to the Addison Professional Firefighters Union website

The Addison Professional Fire Fighters Union, Local 4727 was officially formed on January 22nd, 2009 by 41 charter members. 40 of these charter members held the rank of Firefighter or Firefighter/Paramedic and 1 the rank of Lieutenant within the Addison Fire Protection District #1. These charter members unanimously voted to affiliate with the International Association of Fire Fighters and the Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois. The APFFU seeks to work hand-in-hand with the Administration of the Department to promote the fair and equitable treatment of it’s members and to deliver the finest in Fire, Emergency Medical, Technical Rescue and other services to the residents and visitors of the Addison Fire Protection District.

Email us at info@iaff4727.org


It is the hope of the Addison Professional Fire Fighters Union, IAFF Local 4727, to maintain the brotherhood of the Addison Fire Protection District. It is our desire to assist our members and their families in times of need.

Strength through united action, guided by intelligence, is the hallmark of trade union organization. Believing such unity is essential for the mutual protection and advancement of the interest and general welfare of our membership, we have formed this Union for the following reasons: to secure just compensation for our services and equitable settlements of our grievances; to promote the establishment of safe and reasonable working conditions; to place the members of our Union on a higher plane of skill and efficiency; to promote harmonious relations between our members and our employers; and to cultivate friendship and fellowship among all our members.

It is our desire to give something back to the community beyond emergency services and achieve a level of excellence in service that will be obvious to every person who comes into contact with our organization and the department.

Page Last Updated: Jul 15, 2024 (20:52:22)
IAFF Local 4727


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